Corey's World

Wednesday, March 07, 2012


Corey: Dad can we wrestle?

Daddy: No more...daddy is already beat me up.

Corey: Okay, here's the deal...

Dad: What's the deal?

Corey: This time I'll take it easy on you so you can win.


Daddy (to Allison): You don't have to decide right now if you're ever going to get married. You have plenty of time.

Corey: I'm not going to get married. I'm going to be like Uncle Mike. I'm going to live in New York too.... with Uncle Mike

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Corey: I can't hear the rain any more.


Corey: I can't even hear the rain any more.

Dad: We heard you Corey.

Corey: It's not even raining any more.

Dad: Okay, thanks for the update Mr Weatherman.

Corey: I don't know why I'm so talkable.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Feeding the Dog

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Corey (wearing Mommy's shoes): "I'm a mommy."

Dad: "You're a mommy? Does that mean you have babies and kids?"

Corey: "No babies, just puppies."

Monday, October 06, 2008

Big Boy

I'm a big boy now. This past weekend Mommy and Daddy took us to Hersheypark. I rode all of the rides that Elyssa and Allison rode.

My favorite things to do are play with my cars and trucks and swing on the swingset in the back yard.

I like watching sports on TV with daddy too, especially football, baseball, soccer, basketball, and auto racing.

I also like to ride my bike in the garage.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Ballet Slippers

Do you like my ballet slippers? Actually they are Elyssa's. Sometimes she lets me wear them. Sometimes I wear her pajamas and hair bands too.

Monday, July 09, 2007


I love my new zebra that Aunt Lisa and Uncle Bill got me for my birthday. I like to ride it and bounce on it and listen to the music and sounds it makes. Sometimes Elyssa spins me around on it. Other times I can't ride it because Elyssa and Allison are riding it - they like to ride it too.